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5 Ecommerce Trends to Watch for in 2022

The ecommerce industry is charting continuous growth by embracing and adopting the latest technologies. What will the future of this fast-changing industry look like? Below are five predictions for upcoming ecommerce trends that may affect your business. 1. Mobile Commerce […]

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5 common mistakes in medical translations

A lot of businesses ruin their medical translation projects from disregarding the importance of working with a professional translation company. While it is easy to quickly complete a translation project using machine translations, contents which are highly medical require high

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5 Important Tips for Any Medical Translation Project

Medical translation processes are complicated and require an expert translation agency to handle any project successfully. For a medical translation project to be successful, the language services providers involved in the project must have detailed knowledge of all parts of

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Top 5 Challenges Faced In the Medical Translation

Medical translation is an intricate part of professional translation that requires many details. It involves professionals from different parts of the globe, hence the technicality involved. Translation agencies in the pharmaceutical industry deal with many complexities. Medical translation agencies must

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