Getting Things Right When the Details Matter Most
The Insurance industry is constantly faced with unique challenges, from managing risk and regulatory complexity, to customer satisfaction, quality control, and security. As a language service provider with over 20 years in business,
EC Innovations has the professionalism and precision in providing insurance translation services to guard the contractual economic relationship between you and your clients. EC Innovations’ team of linguists will never let language barriers delay a transaction, and our global, around-the-clock availability will ensure that you can get fast, accurate turnaround whenever and wherever you need it. Translators and interpreters for your project are all chosen for their insurance expertise, accreditation, certification, as well as other areas of subject matter expertise to make sure your agreements are localized accurately, avoiding common issues and challenges while utilizing industry terminology and concepts.
As for your concerns about confidentiality, we have a strict policy that each language specialist must sign and abide by the terms of our Non-Disclosure Agreement before working on any project. ECI is one of the few language service providers that has ISO 27001 certification to ensure data security and integrity when dealing with confidential personal and business information.
Content We Translate
- Annual Reports
- Insurance Agreements
- Certificates of Insurance
- Insurance policies
- Letters of Credit
- Disclosure Statements
- Anti-money laundering and corruption policies
- Company Policies and Contracts
- Marketing Materials and Websites
- Application Forms and Common Business Documents
- Insurance booklets, forms & Enrollment forms
Get in touch
If you'd like to know more about how we might work together, please use this contact form to get in touch. All the information you provide will remain confidential – and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.