Retail and e-Commerce
Adding Value to the World’s Most Valued Brands
The luxury goods market is one of the fastest-growing in the world. People crave the prestige and exclusivity that luxury goods can confer. Most luxury brands are keen to further increase their market penetration, while always maintaining the authenticity and exclusivity of their products.
That’s where we come in. At EC Innovations we work with many of the world’s top luxury brands and leading e-commerce retailers. We’re one of the few partners you can trust with both the reputation of your brand – and the finer details of your purchase journey.
Because we’ve worked with so many top tier brands we understand the positioning and marketing of luxury goods. And because our linguists cover over 140 languages we understand the cultural nuances of every significant local market. That means we can successfully adapt and localize global brand narratives for maximum appeal in every country, while always staying true to the guiding spirit of the brand. And if we’re alive to the essence of global brands, we’re also keenly aware of the practicalities of e-commerce – with precise yet nuanced translation smoothing every purchase journey.

Your brand in good hands
Luxury is typically restrained and understated. Rather than wax lyrical about our experience and capabilities, it is simpler to list a few of the global brands that choose us for market localization: Gucci, Prada, Ralph Lauren, Bulgari, Chanel and Fendi, among others. We’re also favored by many e-commerce providers, including Visa, Mastercard, Shoppee and others. Our meticulous attention to detail can help you reduce cart abandonment and increase average order value across every category.
High quality teams for high quality partnerships
Trusting a partner with the localization of your luxury goods brand or e-commerce offer is not a decision to be taken lightly, so it can be helpful to understand how our teams work with clients like you. For every client we put together a customized team, with experience in similar projects. Your team consists of everyone from linguists and project managers to quality assurance experts…

Subject-matter experts (SMEs)
From luxury goods and e-commerce backgrounds, meet SMEs with extensive experience in your field. They support terminology translation and maintenance while answering any technical questions translators may have.
Qualified translators
All our translators receive thoroughgoing assessment based on our Translation Quality Report (TQR). We also take the trouble to match translators to particular clients and product lines, to see that their knowledge of your business – and hence their utility on your projects – is always growing.
Experienced editors
With years of experience working with high-end brands, EC editors use our cloud-based Computer-assisted Translation tool to review and make edits in real time. Generating feedback and approvals in the shortest possible time-frame.
Exacting proofreaders
Familiarity with global brands and e-commerce journeys lets our proofreaders play the part of end users. They always review translations with a fresh eye, and without reference to source content.
Quality Assurance reviewer
Our QA team samples 10% to 20% of total translations. Clients get independent verification of quality – and immediate identification of any issues.
In-country reviewers or third-party reviewers
Always available on request to serve as further guarantors of translation quality.
In-country language leaders
These key individuals work closely with translator recruitment and management to build dedicated teams of translators for each client.
Multilingual Desktop Publishing team
Readying localizaed documents for publication in the correct format, to be as accessible and appealing as possible.
ISO certified
Many clients take the sensible precaution of requiring ISO certification from suppliers. At EC Innovations we’re certified to ISO 9001, ISO 17100 and ISO 27001.

ISO 9001
ISO 9001 designates a company with an effective quality management system that meets the needs of customers and stakeholders in service delivery and improvement. We received this certification in 2008.

ISO 17100
ISO 17100 specifies requirements for all aspects of the translation process. This one came our way in 2015.

ISO 27001
ISO 27001 verifies the ability of an organization to mitigate risk and protect customer information by having the appropriate security measures in place, particularly in the cyberspace domain.

Get in touch
If you’d like to know more about how we might work together, please use this contact form to get in touch. All the information you provide will remain confidential – and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
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