Machine Translation

Pioneers in Automated and Machine Translation Services

The pace of AI development is driving debate over machine versus human translation. Rather than take sides, we’ve found a way to synthesize the best of both worlds. We can’t ignore the efficiency of machine translation: it cuts costs and accelerates turnaround times. But human involvement can give your translations the touch of style and quality that machine-generated versions may lack. Our hybrid solution – Machine Translation with Post Editing (MTPE) – lets you enjoy the savings and efficiency, while retaining the all-important human touch.

Why choose Machine Translation with Post Editing?

Machine translation works from existing translations, sourced from a range of databases. This allows automated translations to sound as natural as possible. And, when working on a large project, where cost considerations override quality concerns, pure-play MT may be the solution of choice. But for those seeking higher-quality translations – along with cost savings – MTPE is increasingly the answer. Once machine translation has produced the initial versions, a professional human translator steps in to run ‘post-editing’ quality assurance (QA). The translator will check the translated text against the source material, with their minor edits smoothing away any phraseology that may sound stilted or awkward. 

What Can We Provide?

EC Innovations is busy meeting the machine translation needs of many international organizations. We’ll help you develop an integrated translation plan that sees MT play a key role in workflow automation. We’ll also factor in translation memory, terminology management, and human translation and editing, for more return on your investments. 

We’re expert in combining machine translation with complementary technologies and human translators. That way we can quickly and reliably produce usable translations of large volumes of text. All in much less time than a standard translation would take to complete. While machine translation quality is yet to match comparable human output, pragmatic strategies to engage both machine and human in your translation workflow yields superior efficiency and cost-savings. However, an overly aggressive adoption strategy may jeopardize your brand values and an overly conservative strategy may leave you behind in the competition for efficiency. That’s where we come in to discover, consult, and co-create content strategies and find ways to implement AI-driven workflows that create long-lasting values for your organization.

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